Adron Turner & Cluade Brooks
(the husband of Johnie's cousin, Pauline)

Grandma Turner's Peach Orchard

Unknown Cowboys ~ Oct., 31, 1915
Maybe George Turner, first person on left
Maybe Adron Turner third person on left.

Terry & Adrienne Swimming in stock tank

Notice: the bucket had
it's own hook on the post.

<Adrienne posed in the front yard, waiting for the school bus, which was a passenger car. driven by a neighbor. I'm having a bad hair day.>

Photo from Adrienne and Benny's Family History Presentation.

(Note the dark object at far left near the horizon, which is probably, the chicken house where Adrienne put her hand into the nest and discovered a snake and where we got lice when we played there. The small rounded object is a stack of prairie hay where we liked to play.

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